Friday, June 29, 2012

Homemade Croutons

Whenever my homemade bread sits on the counter long enough that it only appeals to me, I make croutons.  Whenever I buy a baguette or french bread and we don't eat it all in one sitting, I make croutons.  Whenever I have bread that is going south, I make croutons.  I can freeze the bread until I'm ready to make croutons as well.  They're perfect for salads (of course) and, as I showed you yesterday, my boys love them for snacks.
Stop throwing away your bread!  Make croutons!

Homemade Croutons

bread, cut into cubes
about 2 tbs olive oil, depending on how much bread you have
salt to taste
any other seasoning you want (use garlic powder, italian seasoning, etc.)

Preheat oven to 350.  On a cookie sheet, toss bread cubes with oil, season with salt.  Toss to evenly coat.  Bake for 15-20 mins, turning cubes/shaking the pan occasionally, until golden brown all over.  Let cool and enjoy!  Can be stored in a baggie at room temperature.
Play around with these- you could top them with grated parmesan cheese when they come out of the oven, you could make them sweet by coating them with cinnamon and sugar before you bake them.  Yum!