I've been making iced coffee at home for a few years now. Summer weather seems to begin earlier and earlier every year here in Oklahoma, so it's nice to retire the coffee pot in April, as it were. However, I've left it out this year to aid in making my cold brew a bit easier.
I make my iced coffee in a mason jar that sits in the fridge overnight. I recently discovered this recipe for Magical Coffee (very aptly named!!) and it's my new go-to. You add sugar to the coffee grounds themselves, which saves you the step of making a simple syrup. Win! (I've also been adding a splash of vanilla to the brew, and it's delicious!)

Then I either pour it straight out of the coffee pot into my waiting glass filled with ice and topped off with a bit of half and half. Or, I rinse out the mason jar and pour in the strained coffee and park it in the fridge until I need it.
Homemade iced coffee saves me SO many unnecessary trips to Starbucks. Enjoy!
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